Owned, operated and updated by The Keys To Key West Inc.
Located right here in Key West – Hi I am Island Genn. I have been helping folks choose the right fishing charters since 2000. I charge nothing for my service and the rates you pay are the same as the dock rates. Give me a call save the convenience fees and let me help you find the the right Key West deep sea fishing charter.
I still offer the good old fashioned personal approach with our clients that trust us with their vacation days year in and year out. My crew and I have amazing attention to detail as well as a promise to do all we can to ensure a positive experience with our deep sea fishing charters. My husband and I are the owners of a large Key West Fishing charter company and a deep sea fishing charter boat. I know exactly what it takes to bring a great service to my clients. From my booking and cancellation policies to great customer service that is there day in and day out for you when you need me.
Booking on line is not only impersonal but it can be very sketchy for many reasons. I can’t tell you how many times we get calls from people who got left at the dock when they used a mass fishing booking web site for any number of reasons and still had to pay. Because of our professional real life relationship with our deep sea fishing charters and our location here locally, we can offer a far better experience across the board with many built in protections that just do not exist with the wholesalers that just don’t care.
Things happen like breakdowns, weather, travel arrangements and other un-forseen acts of life. Our clients are protected with our customer service to work around real life case scenarios the best we can. Which is always better than the booking sites.
Call Us You Will Be Glad You Did
Property of The Keys To Key West, inc. Island Genn is your Key West connection. Check out her web site at www.thekeywester.com
Gennifer Lamp and her team at The Keys To Key West have been offering their personal touch in setting up fishing charters for their clients since 1998.
Call us direct, speak to a real person. Go over all the options. Book your fishing with confidence.